Friday, February 5, 2010

Tutorial of Adorable Cuteness is on Its Way

Just a sneak peek of what is to come:

This fabric will brighten up anyone's day...especially when it involves a free tutorial!

(Forgive the poor pictures, it's a combo of poor lighting, a rainy day, and a bad camera. Trust me, it's twice as cute in person!)

It should be up in the next few days. And I promise to try to get a shot in sunlight, if the weather cooperates!

What will the tutorial be about? Hmmm, so you want a hint....let's see...

Nope, you don't get one! Hee hee...

Check back here, or better yet, sign up for RSS or Follow Me to be the first to know when it's up!


  1. Cute fabric! I can't wait to see what you make with it.

    Andrea @

  2. Andrea,

    The tutorial is still on it's way! Other projects came up, and with six little ones all vying to get in the way/watch me sew, and my sewing area in the living room, it makes for very little sewing getting done!

    I also have tutorial videos in the works for other non-sewing topics, like organization for large (and other) families, food storage, etc.
